Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Beer and Bread by Marie (homemade bread recipe and instruction)

Title: Beer and Bread by Marie Homemade Bread Recipe
From Celtic Creek Trading Company Driggs Idaho
1 Package yeast (1/4 oz)
1 Cup warm Water
1/2 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon cooking oil (olive oil)
1 1/2 Tablespoon sugar
3 Cups bread flour
1 Tablespoons butter
Beer to drink

Preparation time plus cook time is approximately: 2 hours 45 minutes

1. Dissolve yeast into warm water.
2. Add oil and sugar to the yeast and water.
3. Add salt to flour. Stir salt in thoroughly
4. Mix the yeast mixture with the flour mixture. Stir thoroughly
5. Knead dough for ten minutes.
6. Let dough rise in a warm area for one hour
7. After the hour punch and shape your dough. Brush on some melted butter
8. Let the punch dough rise for one hour in a warm area
9. Bake at 425 deg F for 20-25 minutes. Crust should be a golden brown.
10. Once bread is a golden brown remove bread from oven and brush on some melted butter